If you have 6 months remaining to live, what will you do?


Have you ever wondered a scenario when your days are already numbered? What if God revealed that you only have 6 months to live and to accomplish whatever he asked you to finish?

There are possible things you will choose.

1. Do nothing and just ignore

2. Face the reality and do whatever you can afford to do to succeed

3. Just commit suicide

4. Surrender to God and let Him reveal the things you need to do

But there might be other options you can do and it so happened that these are the common responses on that scenario.

What door will you open when you heard that you are about to die soon? Will you just stay where you are and never open any door? Will you attempt to choose one door at a time within 6 months?

 Do nothing and just ignore

Choosing to do nothing and be nothing is cool. Most likely you just don't care and will never entertain any thoughts about it. Period. As it is. So be it. If you die, you die. If you live, you live. As simple as that.

Face the reality and do whatever you can afford to do to succeed

This option is the exact opposite of the first choice. After you learned that you will die, you EMBRACED it to the core and do the things you can afford to accomplish whatever it is.

In a nutshell, your life is going there so you rather be positive that whatever happens you did whatever you can even if you have no enough time. You just do it.

In other words, you will live at present and make the best out of it.

Just commit suicide

This is the worst door that you will open just in case you pick it.

Yes it is true that your time is limited. The mere fact that you will gone, you do it instantly. You already give up and you do not want yo spend that fucking 6 months. You just wanna finish it quickly TODAY. NOW. IT IS OVER. IT IS FINISIHED. 

Some says, you are going there anyway.

Surrender to God and let Him reveal the things you need to do

This one is beyond one's ability. This is FAITH!

Yes you know that 6 months is coming near. You are aware about you will lose all the things or everyone. As in, YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING when you reach the 6 months deadline.

So who cares? What kind of option is that? Well, the answer is FAITH. Do not try to understand it because you can never get its real essence. Only God can tell you its meaning, its bottomline.

Some Christians, urge themselves to fast and pray in order to have it but the answer is still unknown. They say that it is supernatural, extreme power, superconscious or super subconscious whatever.

FAITH is believing on something you do not see. It is weird but that's the basic information we can use to understand it in the simplest way.


Now let's go back to the question. What will you do?

It is your choice. God gave us the brain to use it and heart to discern. 

Given that you only have 6 months left, perhaps, from there you can understand the meaning of life... its value.

More often than not, we can only realize ones value when we lost it or when we are about to lose it...

to be continued...
